About Us
Who Are We?
Our Identity
One of the first questions people ask when planting a new church is, “What will it be like?” We at Reformation Presbyterian Church believe that a good way to live out our vision and connect with our community is by being relational, confessional, and practical.
A church will always take on some of the character of the community in which it grows and of the membership of its body. It is the aim of RPC is to foster the character of Jesus within the local community.
Christianity is not a new idea. The church has a long, rich history of biblical truth to draw from. The foundation upon which we seek to advance these truths is the unchanging Word of God as summarized and understood within the Westminster Standards: The Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms.
We at Reformation Presbyterian Church know that the Bible is practical, applicable, and valuable to the real lives we lead. Many people view the church as an outdated institution, stuck in the past and irrelevant to real life. But nothing could be further from the truth. The church not only answers the real questions real people are really asking, but it also gives ultimate meaning to all we do. To all our relationships, our work, and our culture-making. As such, our life together will be full of making sense of our stories as they connect with God’s ultimate Story of how the world is made and meant to work.
Core Values & Vision
Core values
The Bible
We hold to the Old and New Testaments, infallible and inspired by God, to be our ultimate authority regarding all things necessary for the glory of God and for the salvation, faith, and life of the church. (2 Timothy 3:16,17)
God, by His Spirit and Word, calls the world to honour Him as God and to worship Him only. Conscious of God’s grace to us in Jesus Christ, we respond in joyful obedience to publicly and formally worship Him twice each Lord’s Day. (Psalm 100)
As a worshiping church, we commit ourselves to being a fellowship united in Christ; to live in mutual love, humility, and care as we spend time together; and to use our resources and gifts for each other and the community. (Philippians 2:1-4; Col. 3:14-17)
Our Vision and Aim
​To uphold and provide the tradition of expository Christ-centered preaching. (Neh.8:5-8; Luke 24:25-27, 44)
​To worship God in obedience to His Word. (Ps. 100; John 4:23-24)
To be a discipling church – training in Biblical doctrine and godly living.
​To supply competent pastoral care for each ​member of the church family. (Acts 20:28-31; 1 Peter 5:1-4)
​To advance the missionary work of the ​church in the Windsor area and throughout ​the world. (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)
To serve our church and community through ministries of mercy. (Micah 6:8; Acts 6:1-7)
For a more complete summary of our beliefs, please see: Westminster Standards: The Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms.
Our Leadership:
Jordan VanAmerongen
Jordan was recently ordained in October 2024 by the Canadian Presbytery of the ARP, and has gladly accepted the call to come and serve Reformation Presbyterian Church as their Pastor and Mission Developer. He and his wife Leana, along with their three children are quickly settling into Windsor as their new home and are looking forward to serving the Lord and his people within the community.
John Moerman
John, an elder of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Chatham since 2003, serves as one of the provisional elders in the oversight of Reformation Presbyterian Church. A lifelong resident of Chatham-Kent, John and his wife Eileen raised eight children on their farm. John's desire is to see the church grow as a worshipping community, actively and joyfully serving the risen Lord Jesus.
Henry VanTil
Henry is a lifelong resident of Chatham-Kent, having grown up in the Rondeau area. He and his wife Joanne currently own and operate a farm, raising six children there. He is an elder of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Chatham, and serves as a provisional elder of Reformation Presbyterian. His desire is to see the kingdom of God in Chatham and in Windsor grow and flourish.
Neal Mynders
Neal and his wife Amanda live in Oxford county, with their three children Teanna, Daxton, and Lucas. Neal has been an elder of Grace Presbyterian Church in Woodstock since 2020, after serving as a deacon for 15 years. He is a custom home renovator/home additions builder. His desire is to be part of church planting efforts in Ontario, and to see the spread of the good news of Jesus Christ.